Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blog Post #2

    Reading about the ins and outs of the Supreme Court has proven to be a great refresher when it came to highlighting the important roles it plays in our country today. If you would like more information regarding the history of the Supreme Court, as well as how it evolved over time, feel free to check out this article to find out more.

    Before reading the article, I wanted to check with myself on what I knew about the Supreme Court so far. I knew that the Supreme Court had the highest form of jurisdiction over all laws in the United States and was formed by the Constitution. I also thought it was a large and important part of the Judiciary branch, holding many important cases such as State v. Mann and Brown v. Board of Education. These cases and others were taken to the Supreme Court because they were filed for appeal after being reviewed in smaller district courts. It was only after I read the article that I realized there was much more to it’s significance. 

    An important aspect that I didn’t know about the Supreme Court was the existence and roles of “Court Justices.” These are people who are nominated by the president and elected by the US senate. They are all required to sit on the Board of Regents, take part in the court opinion, and hold weekly meetings with each other. I also learned more about the role of a Chief Justice. This person takes part in the court majority opinion, schedules meetings, and overall rules over the court, almost to the extent of a court judge, which was really surprising to me.

    I feel that the main takeaway from this article is to highlight the importance of not just the Supreme Court, but our entire judiciary system. For more than 2 centuries, so many court cases have occurred, and each one, no matter how small, has made at least some sort of impact on our country and has affected the way people live. They helped to further outline the law for both individuals and the higher forms of government. I feel that this information is very valuable and was a great evolution in law for the Founding Era. If you would like to learn more about the Supreme Court and its influence. try watching these videos below.





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