Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Blog #4

    I'm actually glad to be writing about this topic as I realize the concern of online and offline privacy. A fact about myself is that I'm more of an introvert, meaning that I like my privacy and of course, would prefer to keep my private life private like most people. I don't really like being the complete center of attention that much, but as I'm online, almost anyone can somehow get my information like other people to get other's information without even meeting them. If that's the case, I might as well constantly shout my name and private info in public.

    This issue makes me very self-conscious of what I do, and it doesn't even matter whether I'm in public or in my own home. Someone, be it the government or the police department, is always watching me, collecting information on every single move I make. I don't think the technology used to collect such information is bad. In fact, it can prove how effective it is when tracking down criminals or other bad people pertaining to such. It could potentially save lives if it is in the right hands and used effectively, but the government using it on private citizens and collecting data on their lives is not okay. This type of thing makes me fear for my family's safety.

    What exactly should the government be doing with these issues?  The solution, at least in my perspective, is a bit complicated. I know them collecting information on us is probably unavoidable, but they should try and pass a law or guideline that prohibits misusing private information. This shouldn't just be about the government either, it should also pertain to the many websites on the internet that take your information and sell it to companies and bombard you with advertisements. Looking at you, Google. Google and Facebook are prime examples, and they've been doing it for years all without facing any consequences. You can learn more about it here. 

    Luckily, there are ways that we can protect our personal information online. One way is using personal Identity Theft Services which are effective in protecting your information as you do your online business. Also, you should use private search engines such as DuckDuckGo. It is also ideal to not put too much info on the internet and not save your information on any website where it could be easily accessible. Make sure your private life stays private.

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