Thursday, September 16, 2021

Blog Post #5

     Regarding the iPhone, I feel that the innovation and idea that Apple was trying to accomplish were revolutionary. Sure it did have a slow start at first, but it caught on quickly, and it wouldn't be before long until other competitors hopped on the trend of new generation phones. You can see how iPhones have evolved into our generation.


At the start of it all, Apple. inc came up with the new idea to further improve the phone, as people mostly used flip phones and blackberries of different brands, of which they were only useful to call or text at the time. This is when apple developed the first iPhone. While it didn't have all the basic functions, it incorporated new features such as touchscreen technology, different applications, and of course, being able to go on the internet. It was also the first phone to have its own camera. Going off of this, my theory states that many people were more of the later adopters than the early ones.

    The reason I think that people were later adopters is because of the timing in which it was released and the main selling points the iPhone had. As stated before, this technology could be considered pretty advanced for its time. During this time, Flip phones, sliding phones, and phones with keyboards were all the rage, so people would be wary of the change. It wouldn't be possible for the iPhone to get super successful overnight. Plus, people could have a hard time trying to figure out how it works first-hand. Some people might not even like it because of how the new applications and internet access can make people stay on their phones longer and focus less on the outside world, leading to a lack of Social Interaction.

    However, I do think there is a key positive for people who were able to adapt to it, and that would be improved communication. With the new specs, the iPhone provided, people, have the opportunity to interact with others from almost anywhere in the world. It also encouraged people to make new applications that can improve interaction in some ways and even profit off it. This can also make the internet super accessible for people who don't have the technology or the funds to browse it.

    For my final thoughts, I feel the positives and negatives are balanced yet slowly tilting to the negative side as all of us use our phones pretty much daily, so it can vary on how beneficial phones can be. Communication technology is a helpful resource that is very much needed in our current society, but it should matter that we strike a good balance between online communication and social communication.

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