Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Blog Post #10

 After watching the video regarding the Age of AI, I feel like I have a renewed importance of how we use and depend on this technology in this current day and age, but it can affect our society in a major way, whether positive or negative. This showed me that our current AI culture is great despite its risks, but China's yearning to "surpass" our AI culture can have risks that are too great to overlook. Either way, technology can have serious influences on society.

    I thought that AlphaGo by Google was honestly impressive. I never thought that this was one of the first pieces of artificial intelligence and was used as a highly viewed game in North Korea. A piece of technology learning over time and beating human intelligence through a process of teaching itself certain algorithms was fascinating to humans during that time. This was a good way to show the potential of artificial intelligence to the world while also highlighting its potential to be a danger to our society.  However, it's impressive when you think about AI being able to do tasks faster or better than a human, as long as you think small about it. These can lead to very ambitious goals that can help society, like making self-driving cars that could possibly reduce car accidents, and predicting from a group of women with breast cancer who are in need of surgery.

    I never knew that China would try to lead the world in this type of technology, and sometimes it's honestly scary to think about. They were actually able to advance AI to facial recognition, to be used in simple jobs such as cashiers, and replicating simple actions like driving. I see incredible potential in their technology because of the vast amount of data at their disposal, and their AI depends on it. However, this comes with a big negative. It's because of the fact that China's AI algorithm runs on data that you could have a lack of privacy and security. It picks up data of which you would never even be aware. I feel their aim to make AI "better than any human" can lead to a serious downfall in which people's lives could be easily accessible and no longer private. Data can even use other people's data to misinform or steal identities. That includes Deepfakes. Not to mention our risk of losing jobs to machines and interrupting the entire labor force.

    That being said, deep learning isn't entirely bad. This can be a big help in human advancement, and everyone uses it every day despite the challenges it can give us. I feel it only depends on how it's used and why. If China would use it right without having to rely so much on collecting data from everyone, then they could play a big part in the worlds technological advancement and others wouldn't be feared by it I also remain cautiously optimistic regarding jobs as technology can hopefully make our jobs easier for us, rather than replace us entirely.

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