Thursday, September 30, 2021

Blog Post #7

    I thoroughly enjoyed all of the EOTO Presentations and I thought that all of the topics discussed played a big part in technological history and entertainment. However, if there was one presentation that truly spoke out to me, it would have to be the one about video games. Though I knew a good majority of the facts that were presented, I couldn't help but feel super invested in it, and that's to be expected as I'm a Game Major. 

    I always found the history of video games to be truly fascinating. Sure TV shows and filmmaking were a good source of entertainment, but I feel that Video Games were a true hallmark of entertainment and advancing technology and I firmly believe that it still holds true today.  Ever since the first video game with the first computer, the Apple I, the industry just kept growing, especially with arcade games. The arcade era holds a bit of nostalgia for me even though I wasn't born anywhere near that time, but it's because it gave birth to recognizable characters that we know and love such as Pac-man, Mario, Donkey Kong, and more.

    I remember someone saying this expression: "Sometimes you have to fail in order to succeed." I feel this holds true for the Gaming industry. Thanks to Atari and its overproduction of slightly below mediocre games, this caused the legendary gaming crash of 1983 as video games were doing horrible in the stock market, but thanks to Nintendo and their Super Mario Bros, the industry was able to rise from the ashes and get even better. This even brought other competitors like Sega to join the industry and rival Nintendo, creating several platforms over time. Even Sony and Microsoft took part with the Xbox and PlayStation. As they are still relevant today, I'm happy to have such an immersive form of entertainment as video games becoming its own billion-dollar industry.

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