Thursday, September 30, 2021

Blog Post #8

     I  honestly never really thought that much about antiwar. I always felt that war was a touchy subject to go into and I always thought why we always had to resort to that. Of course, I'm completely against war as I see no point in it. Two countries fighting each other violently against certain issues that are either pressing and concerning or frivolous and unnecessary. However, I'm aware that sometimes war is just unavoidable and maybe is our last resort. I'. curious as to why antiwar isn't as frequently discussed as the news.

    Regarding this site on Antiwars, It was made clear that Antiwars are a bit of a controversial topic and most political figures take it lightly. There was actually an article that outlined this regarding that if there was a case where the US would fight in a new cold war,  then who would we be fighting it with? The article touched on what Biden said, denying that he was "fighting China out of aggression, but of competition." It went on to explain why picking a fight with China would prove more than the US to handle, as it wouldn't just fight China, but Russia as well. and it further supports my reasoning of why wars to me are somewhat unnecessary and can be easily avoided depending on the situation.

    Just in case my certain reason for antiwar wasn't enough, now through discovering a website regarding Realism and Restraint, There are so much more reasons as to why wars are not just unnecessary, but arguably complete nonsense. Each reason is explained in good depth through articles such as "War is Big Business" and "A Half-Century of Conflict is Enough." These explain how certain organizations make a profit from these wars and how people are needlessly trying to reignite the fire of conflict. There are also articles that make suggestions of how to avoid these needless conflicts. There's this one article about American Exceptionalism where it outlines why the US's own states need to be shown respect, and that goes for its neighboring countries. 

    My thought as a whole on why there are very few of these types of antiwar people being vocal is probably because of the subject of the war itself. War can be a touchy subject for certain people, but it is a pressing issue that needs to be further discussed. After all, war can cost a lot of money, and possibly a lot of brave lives as well, so this should hopefully end up on the news one day if people are willing to listen and talk about it.

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